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Love birds? I have thousands of unique bird gifts with my own bird paintings, drawings, tattoos, quotes, and photos of parrots, finches, chickens, etc for you. Each product will be freshly printed and made upon your order. Will ship worldwide from USA and Aussie.


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Parrots do bite bird gifts

Before you buy a cute baby bird, heed my warning, All chicks are sweet but they usually will turn into bitey monsters when they reach puberty. So make sure you do a whole through research before bringing a bird into your life, parrots or not. Birds are not domestic animals. So while it looks cool to have birds, it's not a pet for everyone. Make sure you have the knowledge, time, and money to give your bird a happy healthy life. Available as t-shirts, mugs, bags and many other merchandises. :)

Parrots do bite greeting cardParrots do bite t-shirtParrots do bite tank topParrots do bite hoodieParrots do bite stickerParrots do bite mugParrots do bite iPad case Share on Tumblr

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