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Love birds? I have thousands of unique bird gifts with my own bird paintings, drawings, tattoos, quotes, and photos of parrots, finches, chickens, etc for you. Each product will be freshly printed and made upon your order. Will ship worldwide from USA and Aussie.


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Proud Bird Kid Bird Gifts

A beautiful heart warming drawing of an angel bird kid saying: “I just want to tell you I'm so proud to be your kid!” This will make a lovely tribute for bird parents, moms and dads, who have lost their birds, perfect gift ideas for bird lovers, owners, parronts and breeders. Available as t-shirts, cards, bags and some other merchandises. Please click one of the thumbnails below to buy the item you want. Hope you like these merchandises. :)

Proud Bird Kid Greeting Card Proud Bird Kid Postcard Proud Bird Kid Sticker Proud Bird Kid Poster Proud Bird Kid Hardcover Journal Proud Bird Kid Pillow Proud Bird Kid Tote Bag Share on Tumblr

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