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Love birds? I have thousands of unique bird gifts with my own bird paintings, drawings, tattoos, quotes, and photos of parrots, finches, chickens, etc for you. Each product will be freshly printed and made upon your order. Will ship worldwide from USA and Aussie.


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It's me! Bird Gifts

All pets go to heaven, including pet birds. That's what I believe. They will become angels, watching over us, waiting for the right time to meet us again at the rainbow bridge. I drew this in loving memory of my lovebird, Pocky, a little parrot that lived too short but left the biggest impact in my life. A bird loss is never easy. For some people, birds are family. Send this gift to a grieving bird parent, moms and dads to show your deepest sympathy. I hope the drawing and words will lessen their pain even just a little bit. Available as t-shirts, cards, bags and some other merchandises. Please click one of the thumbnails below to buy the item you want. Hope you like these merchandises. :)

It's me! Greeting Card It's me! T-Shirt It's me! T-Shirt It's me! Sweatshirt It's me! T-Shirt It's me! Tank Top It's me! T-Shirt It's me! Postcard It's me! Sticker It's me! Hardcover Journal It's me! Pillow It's me! Tote Bag Share on Tumblr

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